The Outreach Commission is committed to support our local and global communities by engaging with organizations dedicated to feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, housing the homeless, healing the sick, visiting the prisoner and comforting the mourner. We welcome opportunities to roll up our sleeves and serve in a “hands on” fashion in places like food pantries, low income housing projects, and furniture and housewares drives while also providing financial support through the generous donations of members.
Christian Education
Christian Education oversees and nurtures the Youth and Children’s Ministry Director and Adult Spiritual Formation Leaders. Each shares in mentoring the spiritual growth of community members of all ages. Small group classes and innovative programs encourage participation and discussion of all seekers.
Worship & Music
The Worship and Music Commission supports the pastor and professional music staff ensuring that Sudbury UMC provides worship opportunities and music to enhance the spiritual growth of the congregation as a community of faith and a body of individuals. We work to meet the needs of the congregation as it grows in its relationship with God. We support other volunteers that are integral to putting together a worship service including the acolytes, choir members, communion stewards, flower and altar designers, liturgists, musicians, and ushers.
Social Justice
Our Social Justice Commission brings opportunities for education, discussion, advocacy and action to the SUMC Congregation and our broader community. We use the UMC Social Principles as our guide, focusing on issues of climate change and stewardship of the environment, economic justice, gun violence, support for the LGBTQ+ community, and anti-racism efforts.
Friends in Faith
Friends in Faith is purposed with bringing together members of our congregation and the greater community for deepening friendship and fellowship while supporting spiritual growth. Friends in Faith organizes luncheons with guest speakers for retired congregants as well as upbeat intergenerational events.
Church Growth
Church Growth seeks to attract and make welcome newcomers to the congregation. Church Growth welcomes visitors to the Sunday service, reaches out to newcomers with telephone calls and postcards, and invites them to meet with members and staff. Church Growth also fosters public awareness of Sudbury UMC through local media, social media and church-based publications and programs.