Don’t Miss these Important Events:
February 2025, - Black History Month
February 23, - 10 am Youth Sunday
March 5, 7 pm - Ash Wednesday Service
March 5, - LentBlog is Live (If you are interested in submitting a devotional, please follow the link for writing prompts. To read today’s devotion, please follow this link Lenten Devotion )
March 12, 19, 26, and April 2, & 9, 6:30 pm - Lenten Soup Supper
April 13, 10 am - Palm/Passion Sunday
April 17, 7 pm - Maundy Thursday Worship Service
April 18, 7 pm - Good Friday Tenebrae Worship Service
April 20, 6 am and 10 am - Easter Sunday Worship Services
Every Sunday Morning:
10 am: Join us for worship in our sanctuary at 251 Old Sudbury Road.
9:15 am: Children and families are invited to Kidbury for faith and fun-filled games, crafts and activities in Hawes Hall.
Youth Devo for grades 6-12 meets in the Youth room.
Adult study meets in the O’Reilly Room.
11:15 am: Join us for coffee and fellowship after service.
Join us on our YouTube or FacebookLive. Go to:
https://www.youtube.com/@sudburyunitedmethodistchur2501 or https://www.facebook.com/SudburyUMC/ and join us on the livestream
Our recorded services may be viewed on YouTube or on FacebookLive at a later time of your choosing by clicking on one of the above links and selecting the image of the desired date.
Church Calendar
Our online church calendar provides details about daily activities within the church.